The Expecting Journey

Long story short, 
we were in the 8th month of marriage when we firstly decided to see a doctor to start the program. 
But the doctor said that we were too young and too early to start it. 
"Go get another honeymoon!," she said. 
Then, she just prescribed us some vitamins. 
Dissapointed of what we expect earlier, we made an appointment with a different doctor in the same hospital in the 1st anniv of our marriage. 
The doctor gave us positive response of our plan to start the program. 
My ovaries were checked. 
Everything was okay. 
Same with the first doctor, she prescribed us some vitamins and briefed us about the sex cycle we need to concern. 
Again, we found ourselves dissapointed because the result did not meet our expectation.
Started over the program within another year, moved to Bandung. We met an unusual doctor. 
Why is it unusual? 
Because he did not prescribed us any vitamins or medicine like others do. 
He just preached us that child come within the right time.
This doctor was the one who firstly found out a small cyst in my ovary and he blamed out of the fertility vitamin I consumed during the day. 
He calmed me down and told me that it was not a thing to worry about. 
Moreover, he gave us a handwriting note containing a bucket-list of food, me and husband to avoid. 
And yknow whaat! moooosstt of them are my favorites. #deepsigh. 
Following the rules and avoiding all the food for almost 3 months, I lost some weight. 
Noticed about me getting skinnier, he asked me to stop the diet and just go with the flow. 

After long idle.

In the on-going 4th year of our marriage.

On Saturday, September 30th 2017.
I made a book to get a chance seeing The Gynecologist Expert, 
in one of Woman & Children Hospitals in Jakarta, named Bunda Hospital. 
We're starting the program all over again.. 
Prof. DR. dr. Wahyu Hadisaputra, SpOG (K)
is recommended by a friend of a friend of mine. 
Smiling, he started the observation by asking some initial question such as any attempts we have experienced with some doctors, and how long we have been married. 
Just straight to the point. 
He also asked me whether I have experience of any surgery or medical treatment 
and I answered it one by one. 
Then he directed me to get usg analyzed and gave us some explanation during the session.
In short, there is a 2.1 cm long cyst on my left-sided ovary, and small cysts on the other side which are indicated as PCO. 

At last, he prescribed us two different medicine for morning and day.
30 days straight-no excuses. 
aaaannd the next appointment will be in the next month. 


All is well.
All is well.
kinda mantra for myself. 

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