Physically, you and I are the same. We have similar frame.
We have hands to write; We have feet to walk; We have eyes to see; We have ears to hear; We have voice to talk; We have HEART to feel such emotions: anger, fear, happiness, sadness, doubt, or even LOVE.
Every parts we have are similar.
Then, what makes us different?
The thing is our BRAIN : mind, thought, paradigm.
Our brain is kind of operating system. We have our own system.
Brain operates each part of our body making such movements.
You walk on the right side, I do left; You look over the blue sky, I look over you; You say a, b, c, -- I do x, y, z; You hear it beautiful, I hear it horrible;
Those are the differences made by Brain.
Now, talking about Brain which operates Heart. It makes us feel such emotions. You feel happy, excited, cautious, while I feel hurt, sad, curious.
Everything we feel is different.
Nothing is the same.
That's the BRAIN which makes it all.

You do your way, I do mine.
Nothing is the same.

But, at one point, We'll meet.
We can find the sameness.
Where? When?
Who cares?

The point is..
Just do our way.. Then, we'll meet.

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