Introduction to POETRY

September 9, 2009

.Lord Tennyson.

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands
Ring'd with azure world, 'he stands.

The wringkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
and like a thunderbolt he falls.

well.. yeahhh.. Introduction to POETRY.
it was my first time in poetry class.
Rhythm >> Sound >> Imagery
Trochaic /+ -/ VS Iambic /- +/
monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter... . . . ..
and soooo on.
It was a bit hard for me to understand firstly.

but theennn.. as far as i learn in this class.
my presumption that 'I don't like POETRY' has been overcome along with the emergence of feeling enjoy in studying poetry.

Hell.. yeaahhh. NOW
I do enjoy learning this things just after having my first time class.
Even in the following claass..

-Poetic Devices-
Sounds Devices.
Division: Line & Stanza.
Figures of speech.

can't wait to know more than this.
moree and morrreeee..
okaayy let's see then.

thankiieeess for my lecturer.


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